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Accidental error in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2022-11-13Updated:2022-11-13
Similar words: accidentalaccidentallyaccidental injuryaccidental damageexperimental erroroccidentalfatal accidentfatal error
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1) It is an accidental error.
2) He discovered an accidental error in his composition.
3) Accidental error check: To recognize the unusual conditions with the mathematical statistics theory.
4) To define ideology as"false consciousness"was not an accidental error made by Engels as said by some scholars, but the consistent idea possessed by both Marx and Engels self.
5) How to avoid mistaken error and control accidental error and some suggestions to advance the testing precision of the windtunnel in different period are presented in the paper.
6) This paper analyses and inquires the meaning of accidental error and its variety.
7) There are several po ints about the reason of the event such as examiners' bias, struggles among part ies,[ error.html] the accidental error of the northerner and the deviation of the enrollment.
8) In classical variance analysis with the adjustment of LS, the normal accidental error of observations must be independent, but the actual surveying data are often dependent.
9) The mission of computer is to limit the defect error, suppress the accidental error and minimizes the influence of these errors to the inversion result.
10) Limited by the observation condition, the precision of the result is not high. The maximal accidental error is about 6 arc second, and there is also some systematic error.
More similar words: accidentalaccidentallyaccidental injuryaccidental damageexperimental erroroccidentalfatal accidentfatal erroraccidentincidental expenseincidental expensesby accidentaccident-proneaccident preventionwithout accidentaccident reportaccident damagemarine accidentaccident insuranceincidentalindustrial accidentincidentallyclerical errora chapter of accidentsincidental tocoincidentalcoincidentallyoccupational accidentsaccidencecerebrovascular accident
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